Lara Huppertz – Mental Health Coaching

Portrait Coach Lara Huppertz

Hello, I am Lara.

For me, health is more than having no illness. Health is the freedom to develop - physically and mentally.
And because I love freedom, I dedicate my work to helping as many people as possible to live a healthy, self-determined and inspiring life.

In Verena König's training in holistic-integrative trauma work, I gained a deep understanding of trauma, which enables me to accompany my clients' processes on the path to more joy of life, connection and healing in a trauma-sensitive and methodologically sound way.

During my training as an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach (IIN, New York), I deepened my holistic understanding of health, allowing me to share the influence of all the nourishing resources in our lives - from food, to relationships, to exercise, to finances - in my work.

We are always everything at the same time: body, mind and soul.

Regardless of the level on which symptoms appear, they always affect our entire being.
Above all, our early imprints have made us who we are now. This has resulted in beliefs and behavioral patterns that are deeply rooted in our unconscious. They have combined to form a story that we believe about ourselves. At the same time, this story has taken on a life of its own because our thought and behavior patterns unconsciously control us. This story controls us instead of us writing our story.
Our story is fulfilled in our body, our mind and our soul. We are everything we believe about ourselves. But we have the opportunity to choose a different story. This is the interface to our physical, mental and emotional health.

What if we could believe that we are healthy?
That we deserve to be successful?
That we would achieve our goals instead of finding reasons not to tackle them in the first place?
That we feel comfortable with ourselves and within ourselves?
That we feel safe and secure in ourselves and our world?

Mental Health

Sky Hands upwards Energy

Change your story. Change your life.

Develop your awareness

We have spent the majority of our lives in autopilot mode. We are navigated through our lives by unconscious patterns of thought and behavior that we adopted as small children from the world view, beliefs and imprints of our closest caregivers and that still control us today.

You are no longer a small child and have the right and the power to decide how you want to think and how you want to behave. Full of kindness for all our parts, we reflect on your history and your inner team. In doing so, you will become aware of the patterns and strategies you have developed. And as soon as you are aware of them, you can gently start to change them.


Change your story

We tell ourselves stories all the time. Whether to others or just to ourselves, whether about the last experience or experiences that happened a long time ago. Expressing something in a story gives us stability and meaning and therefore a sense of security.

But who wrote the story you are telling yourself? And is it one that is good for you? In our story, we can recognize our convictions and belief systems, our values and our self-image. All of this has been woven into them during our development.

By working with me, you can learn to change your perspective on your story. There is never just one reading of your experiences. With kindness and awareness, the knowledge of your body and mind, you have the opportunity to change the view of your past and develop ways of thinking and behaving that make you the person you want to be.

Book a free call

The greatest gift you can give to yourself and the world is your one happiness.

Gabor Maté

Work with me.

If you want to change.
If you want to feel yourself more.
If you want to understand yourself better.
If you want to resolve your inner conflicts.
If you want to live fulfilling relationships.
If you want to process your past and live in the now.
If you want to feel more joy and lightness in your life.

Group Coaching

In a small group you will discover what story you are telling yourself. In an atmosphere of cohesion and intimacy, you learn how to reformulate it: into a story that no longer holds you back, but leads to lightness and freedom.

Individual Coaching

We work one-to-one on your personal development. As individual as your story is, I tailor my concept to it. This allows you to let go of your old story and reformulate it so that it leads you to your goals.

Individual Coaching +

In a one-to-one intensive coaching you can completely rely on my support. In our weekly meetings I will help you with your further development and will also be at your side if you need my advice.

My philosophy

Portrait Coach Lara Huppertz

My work is about resolving inner conflicts and shaping change processes. Inner conflicts manifest themselves in all those situations in which we do not achieve our goals and desires despite an inner conviction or conscious commitment.

We often - perhaps unconsciously - carry many different opinions within us and, especially in situations that are very important to us, these voices argue within us and lead us off course. There is an inner conflict between different convictions, but also a conflict between our intellectual level and our emotions.

In our development, we have experienced different influences that may have led to contradictory beliefs and imprints. This has resulted in a story that is not coherent in itself, that has fractures where our energy cannot flow. This story shapes our experiences and feelings. As long as we perceive fractures, conflicting feelings and perhaps empty spaces within ourselves, we are guided by strong, unconscious patterns of behavior that can not only be resolved on a cognitive level, but also need to be worked through on an emotional and physical level.

In my work, I want to help you resolve your inner conflicts and thus work on a coherent story that connects all parts of you so that all your energy can flow for you again.


We act unconsciously for around 95% of the day, according to patterns that we internalized in our childhood. This can give rise to a strong feeling of not really being the master or mistress of our lives. The more observational awareness we gain, the sooner we can become the person we want to be. Awareness requires knowledge, which I will impart to you, as well as an inner attitude of kindness and self-understanding, which you will get to know through awareness exercises and meditations.


When we ar working with our body, we can reach the levels that we cannot consciously change. We have a direct influence on our nervous system and therefore on our inner balance.
By strengthening your ability to self-regulate and using the power of your imagination to integrate old imprints and pave the way for new possibilities, we create powerful and safe change.
In connection with our body sensations, we can turn your story in the here and now into a strong foundation for the life you want to lead

Contact me

Are you interested in individual or group coaching? Write to me and we can arrange a telephone appointment to clarify your questions and start our process together.

Do you have other questions for me? Feel free to send me a message.

Lara Huppertz

+49 176 63459430


in practice


Online coaching sessions
On-site coaching sessions Munich

Group coaching

Group coaching change support

Do you have the feeling of being stuck? Being faced with the same problems over and over again? Meet others who feel the same way you do. In a small group, you will learn new perspectives and strategies to gently transform your old patterns.

  • 120-minute coaching sessions

  • Tips and tools for the coming weeks

  • 6 sessions, continuation as desired

90€ per session

Individual Coaching

coaching change support

Do you want to change and develop? We will work on your individual path at your own pace. I will support you in your process towards a life with more benevolence, self-efficacy and freedom.

  • 90-minute coaching sessions

  • Tips and tools for the upcoming weeks

160€ per session

Individual Coaching +

coaching change support premium

Do you want to make your health and development your priority? In our regular meetings, I will help you to change quickly, but also sustainably and safely. I am available for additional support.

  • 90-minute coaching sessions

  • Tips and tools for the upcoming weeks

  • Additional email and message support

Price upon request
